Servicing The Hunter Region, NSW
309 George Booth Drive NSW 2285


Sciatica Treatment With Low Level Laser Therapy.


LLLT / Acupuncture Treatment

Low-level laser therapy or cold laser therapy can treat sciatica by reducing the irritability of nerves with cumulative treatments. We may also use acupuncture and trigger point injections to help in releasing any impingements. We have a wide experience in the management of debilitating sciatic pain, where many of our patients were unable to sit for any period of time.

There is a wide range of treatments for sciatica ranging from bed-rest to medication to surgery. Many of our patients who want to limit or cease the intake of painkillers, or for whom injections have proved ineffective, opt for laser therapy to manage sciatica pain.


Saving Money While Taking Care Of Your Health.

Take advantage of our affordable laser pain management services today!