Servicing The Hunter Region, NSW
309 George Booth Drive NSW 2285

Arthritis Pain

Arthritis Pain Treatment With Low Level Laser Therapy.


LLLT / Acupuncture Treatment

Arthritis pain is a common condition that we provide treatment for by the use of low-level laser therapy. Arthritis is primarily a condition that causes inflammation and stiffness of joints condition. Low-level laser therapy (cold laser) causes an anti-inflammatory effect. Hence this treatment is appropriate for the treatment of arthritis pain. Its effectiveness in the management of pain has been recognized by Arthritis Australia, who have noted that there is scientific proof that cold laser therapy can help in the reduction of pain and swelling. It has particularly proved its effectiveness reducing the swelling and pain in the hands of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Commonly Known Symptoms Helped

Rheumatoid Arthritis


Arthritis is a major cause that leads to disability and chronic pain in Australia. Arthritis causes pain and inflammation of the joints. Arthritis is not just one condition but refers to more than 100 conditions of which the most common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and ankylosing spondylitis.

Symptoms of Arthritis include

Sometimes Fever

Sometimes fever, weight loss, fatigue and/or anemia.

Morning Stiffness

Morning stiffness in and around the joints that are affected which persists for at least one hour

Pain and stiffness that gets worsen with inactivity and gets better with physical activity.

Saving Money While Taking Care Of Your Health.

Take advantage of our affordable laser pain management services today!